Photographer - Emily Savill

In my journey to showcase new artists.
I came across the ~mysterious~ photographer Emily Savill.

Well... Maybe not "mysterious" but you know, I'm just trying to jazz up my writing.
Is it jazzy enough for you? No? Alright awesome.

Again, emily. Good. Read below. Please and thanks!

How do you think your style of image making has changed from 2012 to 2013?

The way I take photos has definitely changed. I've started thinking more about what I want the end result to look at when I'm taking it. I did it a little before, but now I'm always thinking about it. I also become more and more comfortable with different types of cameras as my collection grows and I experiment with them.
 As for my style, well, I'm not so sure I have ever had a style. I experiment with my large camera collection, and try to play with a large variety of film, so I get a lot of different results when I shoot. I mostly just take photos of my life. I think if I did more photo-shoots with people I would develop a style.

(My Little Cabbage; Emily Savill)

What goes through your head when you create imagery? Does your mind have a conceptual or compositional aspect while creating?

I try to get an idea of what I want the photo to look like when I'm shooting. I think about the kind of film I'm using, and what kind of colours and tones that it will give me. I think about the camera I'm using and it's focusing abilities. I look at the subject and judge whether it will look best to the left or the right or centered. I look in the background and see if it's acceptable. I just try to take in as much as I can before I click the shutter.
I also shoot completely brainlessly sometimes. The results can be really fun!  

Did you learn photography on your own or do you have traditional training?

I took black and white photography/darkroom classes all through high school, and used my high schools darkroom even after I had graduated. It wasn't
anything strict, but I loved it and learned a lot from it.

(Rose with Cat; Emily Savill)

What kinds of subjects are you most comfortable shooting? Are there any you're not?

I like to shoot portraits, nature, and interesting settings. I would love to do more nude photography.
 I feel a little weird about doing street photography. I'm not very good at being in front of a camera, so I understand when some people would rather not be photographed, so I try not to take photos of strangers without their permission.  

(Arianna; Emily Savill)

Emily Savill

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